Part III: Snapping Points to NHD Flowline Data and Calculating River Distance with riverdist

Though it’s a bit late in getting posted, this is part III in a spatial series that is becoming a quasi-workshop in the variety of ways we can work with spatial river & stream data in R. This post will continue using the sf package, and introduce the riverdist package, but we’ll still be playing with data on rivers and streams.

To recap, in the first few posts we made a leaflet map, scraped data from tables on a webpage, demonstrated how to calculate distance matrices between point data, and showed how to use functions written by folks at USGS (OWI) as well as the Hydrosheds data to download riverline data. That’s a fair amount to chew on I realize, but I’d like to demo a few additional things that might be useful for folks working with river data.

This post will (try to) show you:

  • How to use the riverdist package to process a riverline network
  • How to snap spatial point data to the processed riverline data (which we downloaded in the previous post)
  • Finally, how to calculate the river distance between sites (so along the river network)
  • and a quick ggmap example

I think in a future post I’d like to demo how to implement a wavelet analysis of these flow data, as well as show an example of the very cool geoknife package to assess patterns of river impairment. Onward!

So, hopefully these posts are useful and it doesn’t feel like this:

Load the Packages

The main packages I’m going to use in this post:

# load libraries
  library(dplyr); # data munging and piping
  library(purrr); # for list functions
  library(ggplot2); # plotting
  library(ggrepel) # for labeling
  library(sf); # spatial simple features
  library(USAboundaries); # state/county data
  library(Imap); # nice mapping/color functions
  #library(geoknife); # USGS tool set (Next post)
  #library(dataRetrieval); # USGS tool set (next post)
  #library(httr) # scraping webdata (to download flowlines)

# Note, to plot `sf` objects with `ggplot`, you need to have the most recent version (>2.2.1). A quick and easy check you can add to your code is an `if` statement: `if (utils::packageVersion("ggplot2") > "2.2.1"))`

Calculating River Distances

To use the riverdist package, we need to load a shapefile with a river network of some type. This example uses NHD Streamline data, cropped to the North Fork American watershed. I downloaded the flowline data for the North Fork American watershed using the get_flowline function from our previous post, at Stream Order 1, 2, 3, and 4. The function was from an excellent gist by Laura DeCicco (see here), and I modified it slightly to work with the sf package.

To save time, I’ve put these data on github here for download. Let’s use HUC8 data from the previous post as well. Download it to a “data” folder and the code below should work.

Load Flowline & HUC Data

Let’s take a look at the Streamline data for Stream Order=2. Note the river network was downloaded using a bounding box or extent (max and min lat and lon values for a given shapefile), so it extends outside of the specific HUC8 watershed boundary we’re interested in.

# load the streamline data

# load the hucs
huc8 <- read_sf(unzip("data/"), quiet = F) %>%
  st_transform(crs=4326) #%>% 
## Reading layer `h8_AMR_BEA_YUB' from data source `/Users/ryanpeek/Documents/github/' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 4 features and 5 fields
## geometry type:  POLYGON
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: -121.5976 ymin: 38.61455 xmax: -119.9829 ymax: 39.77696
## epsg (SRID):    4326
## proj4string:    +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
# warning message here is ok!

# then remove raw files since file is added in memory
file.remove(list.files(pattern = "h8_AMR_BEA_YUB*",recursive = F))
# filter to the NF American only
h8 <- huc8 %>% filter(HU_8_NAME=="North Fork American") 

# plot 
plot(st_geometry(h8), axes=F, lwd = 3)
plot(st_geometry(rivers2), col="blue", add=T)
title(main = "NF American Watershed & NHD Flowline (Stream order=2)", family="Roboto Condensed")

Crop and Save as Shapefile

In order to use the riverdist package, we are going to want to trim our flowline data to a single watershed, and get rid of the streams outside of that boundary. Let’s crop the flowline data to the NF American Watershed using sf::st_intersection. Then we can write the data as a shapefile.

# crop river data by huc8 data with sf function
rivs2 <- st_intersection(rivers2, h8)

# plot to check:
plot(st_geometry(h8), axes=F, lwd=3)
plot(st_geometry(rivs2), col="blue", add=T)
title(main = "NF American Watershed & NHD Flowline (Stream order=2)", family="Roboto Condensed")

# okay looks good lets save:
st_write(rivs2, "data/nfa_rivers2.shp", delete_dsn = T) 
## Deleting source `/Users/ryanpeek/Documents/github/' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Writing layer `nfa_rivers2' to data source `/Users/ryanpeek/Documents/github/' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## features:       654
## fields:         95
## geometry type:  Line String
# "delete_dsn=T" will allow you to overwrite existing file so you don't get an error like this:
### Error in CPL_write_ogr(obj, dsn, layer, driver, as.character(dataset_options),  : 
###  Dataset already exists.

You might see a warning message about attribute field names, that’s okay, it’s just making field names unique. The file should be where you saved it, and have 4 separate files (.dbf, .prj, .shp, .shx). There can be more associated with a shapefile, but these 4 are the core set that are required.

Clean River Network Topology

Now that we have a river network, we need to clean it and check for errors so that when riverdist is routing things along the network, distances will be accurate.

The main steps are:

  • Load data and transform into a projected coordinate system
  • Plot and Check Topology
  • Clean the network topology so we can snap points, save data
  • Calculate distances along the river network between sites

Load Data and Project

First we need to load the package and project our data. riverdist won’t work unless data are in a projected coordinate system. If you aren’t sure what the difference between projected (PCS) and geographic coordinate systems (GCS) are, here’s the quickest summary I can provide.

  • GCS are based on a spherical earth model (3-dimensional), so use coordinates like latitude & longitude (a datum) in a 3-dimensional space to define locations based on a spheroid model (of which there are several). The datum is used to link the spheroid model to the earth’s surface.
  • PCS project locations onto a 2-dimensional Cartesian coordinate plane. That’s why we refer to these as map projections. Different projections have different ways of stretching the 3-d earth’s surface onto a flat 2-d plane. But by putting things onto a flat 2-d surface, calculations (like calculating distances along a river network) are usually easier to do.
# load the package

# riverdist only works w/ projected coordinate systems...a few options:
## EPSG:102003 USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic
## +proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=37.5 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs
## EPSG:102004 USA_Contiguous_Lambert_Conformal_Conic
## EPSG:102005 USA_Contiguous_Equidistant_Conic

# read in the network and project with Albers Equal Area
rivs <- line2network(path="data/", layer="nfa_rivers2", reproject = "+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=37.5 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")
##  Units: m 
##  Removed 36 segments with lengths shorter than the connectivity tolerance.
# should see message about "Removed 36 Segments w short lengths"

# plot of all the segments

Plot and Check Topology

Ok, so we should see a whole bunch of rainbow colored numbered segments. If we want to look at topology, we can plot the nodes (confluences). Green dots represent connections or confluences between segments, red dots are “headwaters” or isolated branches. Notice there are some red dots in some odd locations.

# check topology (nodes)

Cleanup: Insert Vertices and Identify River Mouth

The riverdist tutorial/vignette is pretty good and will walk folks through the main steps. For larger river networks and the finer scale data you have, the more likely you can end up with weird and even persistent things you need to clean (stream braiding, unconnected segments, etc). Be aware this cleaning of topology is a stepwise process and it can take some time, but once you have everything cleaned up, you can save the data and re-use network in the future.

I’ll try to screen shot this process below. First let’s run the cleanup() function.

# do a clean up:
rivs_fixed <- cleanup(rivers = rivs)

Initially the cleanup will identify all the segments and attempt to remove duplicate lines and dissolve segments that are split (uncessarily). When it asks whether to Dissolve or not, select yes.

Simplified from 615 to 243 segments. 

 Checking for segments with length less than the connectivity tolerance... 

 0 microsegments identified. 

 Checking if splitting segments is needed... 
Checking between-vertex lengths... 
Maximum distance between vertices is 772 
Insert vertices to reduce distances between vertices and increase point snapping precision? (y/n) ?

The Insert vertices question makes a more evenly distributed network so when we try snap points, there will be more vertices available in the network. The histogram provides a sense of the distribution of the segement sizes. I try to select something near the peak so most segments are a consistent size.



Select “y”, and pick a number…I picked 100 meters for this example. The output will then say it’s inserting vertices, followed by:

Please identify segment number of river mouth:



Here I’ve selected segment 192, and then selected the mouth as 1. Once the river mouth has been identified, the program will ask if you want to remove any additional segments. I select n here, but many options.

Cleanup: Remove Additional Segments/Braiding

The cleanup function will then continue and ask if you want to remove additional segments, and check for braiding. Just walk through and determine what you want to keep or not. If there are braided segment, you’ll need to pick out the components you want to keep and which to delete. This can be a bit tedious (especially with very fine-scale datasets), but once you walk through, you’ll be able to save your updated network. Here I remove as many of the braided segments as I can (207, 213, 205, 204, 214, 138, 10, 11, 232, 230).

Once done with removing braided segments, riverdist will ask if you want to build segment routes. I select y here.

Save the Cleaned Data

According to riverdist, we should save our cleaned topology file as a Rdata file. Let’s save our file.

save(rivs_fixed, file = "data/nfa_rivs2_fixed.rda")

Plot Cleaned Topology

Let’s take a look at what we did, and why it matters, by plotting the original river network topology vs. the cleaned version.


# now plot the old vs. the new
graphics::title("Raw River Topology", family="Roboto Condensed")
graphics::title("Clean River Topology", family="Roboto Condensed")

We can see that the Clean river topology has fewer nodes and is a cleaner network, which means it will be more accurate and faster for calculating network distances.

## null device 
##           1

Snapping Points to Lines

Now that we have a river network, we can snap points to the nearest line, and use that to calculate distances between sites along the river network. First let’s grab some points! For this example let’s go back and grab all CDEC stations from the NF American watershed. To do that I searched for any/all stations in the American River basin using this interface. The resulting page I ended up with was this. Then I used the web-scraping technique I showed in the first post in this series) to pull that data in.

Get Point Data (for Snapping)


url <- ""

df <- url %>%
  read_html() %>% 
  html_nodes(xpath='//*[@id="main_content"]/div/div[1]/table') %>% # inspect and xpath with chrome
df_locs <- df[[1]] # reads in as a list, so we are just eliminating the list and making this a dataframe

##    ID                   Station Name River Basin     County Longitude
## 1 ABN                   LAKE AUDRAIN  AMERICAN R  EL DORADO -120.0370
## 3 ADR               AUBURN DAM RIDGE  AMERICAN R     PLACER -121.0450
##   Latitude Elevation Feet                    Operator Map
## 1 38.82000     7300 &nbsp Placerville Ranger District    
## 2 38.63400       50 &nbsp        US Geological Survey    
## 3 38.88200     1200 &nbsp    US Bureau of Reclamation    
## 4 38.68830      220 &nbsp        US Geological Survey    
## 5 38.63546       72 &nbsp        US Geological Survey    
## 6 38.63600      100 &nbsp        US Geological Survey
## [1] 139   9
# cleanup data
df_locs <- df_locs %>% rename(station="Station Name", river_basin="River Basin", 
                              lon=Longitude, lat=Latitude, elev_ft=`Elevation Feet`) %>%

# remove and filter out the weird UNIX code "&nbsp"
df_locs$elev_ft <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "&nbsp", replacement = "", df_locs$elev_ft)) 

# make CDEC data sf object (spatial): 
df_locs <- st_as_sf(df_locs, 
                    coords = c("lon", "lat"), # for point data
                    remove = F, # don't remove these lat/lon cols from df
                    crs = 4326) # add projection (this is WGS84)


Sweet it works! We have 136 stations in the American watershed…let’s crop down to only the points that occur within our HUC8 watershed. First let’s check that there aren’t NA’s or weird locations in this set…so PLOT the data.

Plot Point Data

# PLOT data
plot(st_geometry(h8), lwd=2)
plot(st_geometry(rivs2), col="blue", add=T)
plot(st_geometry(df_locs), add=T, pch=16, col = "maroon")
graphics::title("All CDEC Stations in American Watershed", family="Roboto Condensed")

Ok, some outside of the watershed boundary. Let’s crop with st_intersection again.

# let's crop points to only those within the watershed:
df_locs_NFA <- st_intersection(df_locs, h8)

# plot
plot(st_geometry(h8), lwd=2, axes=F)
plot(st_geometry(rivs2), col="blue", add=T)
plot(st_geometry(df_locs_NFA), add=T, pch=21, bg = "orange", cex = 1.5)
graphics::title("Selected CDEC Stations in NF American Watershed", family="Roboto Condensed")

Great, now we have 44 points within the watershed we can work with. Even better, you can see some do not appear to be on a flowline. The next steps will show how to snap these points to the flowline network.

Snap Points to Nearest FlowLine

Finally we can now snap our points to the river network! We need to project our data, so that it will line up with our cleaned river topology, add those projected X/Y data (in UTM), and then snap to our network.

df_locs_NFA <- df_locs_NFA %>% 
  st_transform(crs = 102003) # convert to Albers Equal Area

# add COORDS in projected form (UTM)
df_locs_NFA$X <- st_coordinates(df_locs_NFA)[,1]
df_locs_NFA$Y <- st_coordinates(df_locs_NFA)[,2]

# run this to snap points to line (and see distrib)
cdec_riv <- xy2segvert(x=df_locs_NFA$X, y=df_locs_NFA$Y, rivers=rivs_fixed)
##   seg vert   snapdist
## 1 208    5  699.23560
## 2 202    4   26.78865
## 3   1   95  138.29269
## 4 226   37  133.60740
## 5  51  182 3648.50085
## 6  94    1  789.67343
hist(cdec_riv$snapdist, breaks=50,main="Point Snapping distance (CDEC to Flowline)", col="skyblue3", xlab="Snapping Distance (m)", family="Roboto Condensed")

# add vertices
df_locs_NFA <- bind_cols(df_locs_NFA, cdec_riv)

plot(x=rivs_fixed, color = FALSE)
points(df_locs_NFA$X, df_locs_NFA$Y, pch=16, col="red") # raw coords
riverpoints(seg=cdec_riv$seg, vert=cdec_riv$vert, rivers=rivs_fixed, pch=22, cex=1.5,
            bg="forestgreen") # snapped coords
text(df_locs_NFA$X, df_locs_NFA$Y, labels=df_locs_NFA$vert, pos = 4, family="Roboto Condensed")

Great, now we have a set of points that represent CDEC station locations, snapped to the nearest NHD river segment.

Detect Routes

If we want to calculate the distance between two points and identify the route, we can use detectroute. Just pick two segment numbers, and then it will return the steps required for the route.

detectroute(start=189, end=6, rivers=rivs_fixed)
##  [1] 189 187 185 190 200 202 210 209 197 208 201 207 206 205  18  17   6
# then use that information to pick the starting/end segments, and the vertices of interest.
riverdistance(startseg=189, startvert=185, endseg=6, endvert=1,
               rivers=rivs_fixed, map=TRUE)

## [1] 41711.18

So the total distance between LOOMIS OBSERVATORY (Station LMO) and DEADMAN FLAT (Station DNF) is 41.7 km along this river network.

Create Distance Matrix

Once points are snapped to the line network, it is possible to extract distances between site pairs, and export. We create a matrix of distances, and then plot a heatmap below.

dmat <- riverdistancemat(df_locs_NFA$seg, df_locs_NFA$vert, rivs_fixed, ID = df_locs_NFA$Locality ) %>% as.matrix
dmat <- dmat/1000 # convert to km
##            1          2          3         4         5         6         7
## 1   0.000000   2.500407   8.177411 117.01273  74.46732  69.36178  74.46732
## 2   2.500407   0.000000  10.677818 119.51314  76.96773  71.86219  76.96773
## 3   8.177411  10.677818   0.000000 115.94033  66.28991  68.28938  66.28991
## 4 117.012730 119.513137 115.940329   0.00000 182.23024  99.81828 182.23024
## 5  74.467318  76.967725  66.289907 182.23024   0.00000 134.57929   0.00000
## 6  69.361785  71.862192  68.289384  99.81828 134.57929   0.00000 134.57929
##            8         9        10        11        12        13        14
## 1  79.778964 110.62785  97.99252  91.28091  80.41068  80.41068  67.90420
## 2  82.279371 113.12825 100.49292  93.78132  82.91108  82.91108  70.40460
## 3  71.601554 109.55545  96.92012  90.20851  79.33827  79.33827  66.83180
## 4 187.541883  23.27542 123.47621 116.76461 110.86717 110.86717  76.67260
## 5   5.311646 175.84535 163.21002 156.49842 145.62818 145.62818 133.12170
## 6 139.890937  93.43340  80.79807  74.08646  26.52852  26.52852  50.70975
##          15        16        17        18        19        20        21
## 1  80.68478  28.95369  72.70133 101.18455  33.40998  94.61948  96.02822
## 2  83.18518  31.45410  75.20174 103.68496  35.91039  97.11988  98.52863
## 3  79.61238  27.88129  71.62893 100.11215  32.33758  93.54708  94.95582
## 4 106.16847 106.11090  98.18503  54.15488 106.26351  22.39325  20.98451
## 5 145.90228  94.17120 137.91884 166.40206  98.62749 159.83698 161.24573
## 6  63.49033  58.45996  55.50688  83.99010  58.61256  77.42503  78.83377
##          22        23        24        25        26        27        28
## 1  89.96408 118.15806  12.75748  94.32181 101.13001 100.97388 129.77030
## 2  92.46449 120.65847  10.25708  96.82221 103.63041 103.47428 132.27071
## 3  81.78667 117.08566  20.93490  93.24941 100.05761  99.90147 128.69790
## 4 197.72700  12.13283 129.77021  47.29213  54.10033  53.94420  12.75757
## 5  44.42995 183.37557  87.22480 159.53931 166.34751 166.19138 194.98781
## 6 150.07605 100.96361  82.11927  77.12735  83.93555  83.77942 112.57585
##          29        30        31         32           33        34
## 1  79.45254  85.62167 104.28162   5.259094   8.10899320 103.61404
## 2  81.95295  88.12208 106.78203   2.758687  10.60940018 106.11444
## 3  71.27513  77.44426 103.20922  13.436505   0.06841759  95.43663
## 4 187.21546 193.38459  20.48887 122.271824 115.87191134 211.37696
## 5   4.98522  11.15435 169.49913  79.726413  66.35832501  58.07991
## 6 139.56451 145.73364  87.08717  74.620879  68.22096629 163.72601
##          35        36         37        38        39        40        41
## 1  41.50733  89.54933 122.909214  92.08730  56.43929 101.13001  52.39717
## 2  44.00773  92.04974 125.409621  94.58770  58.93969 103.63041  54.89758
## 3  40.43493  88.47693 121.836813  91.01489  48.26188 100.05761  44.21976
## 4  75.50540  42.51965   5.896484  45.05762 164.20220  54.10033 160.16009
## 5 106.72483 154.76684 188.126721 157.30480  73.09735 166.34751  69.05524
## 6  27.85446  72.35488 105.714763  74.89284 116.55126  83.93555 112.50914
##          42        43        44
## 1  85.46204  96.20213  94.07923
## 2  87.96245  98.70254  96.57964
## 3  77.28463  95.12973  85.90182
## 4 193.22496 121.68583 201.84215
## 5  10.99472 161.41964  48.54510
## 6 145.57401  79.00768 154.19121
# library for heatmap

image.plot(1:nrow(dmat), 1:ncol(dmat), dmat, axes = FALSE, 
      xlab="", ylab="", col = terrain.colors(50))
axis(1, 1:nrow(dmat), rownames(dmat), cex.axis = 0.7, las=3, family="Roboto Condensed")
axis(2, 1:nrow(dmat), colnames(dmat), cex.axis = 0.5, las=1, family="Roboto Condensed")

# this add exact value to each grid square:
#text(expand.grid(1:nrow(dmat), 1:ncol(dmat)), sprintf("%0.1f", dmat/1000), cex=0.6, family="Roboto Condensed")
graphics::title("River Distance Matrix (km) for CDEC Stations in NF American Watershed", cex.main=1, family="Roboto Condensed")

# write the data out
nfa_dists <-
# write_tsv(nfa_dists, "data_output/mainstem_distance_matrix_NFA.txt")

Make a ggMap

Finally, we can map these data with a terrain or google map background. Just another alternative to some of the other options shown thus far.

# SIMPLE MAP --------------------------------------------------------------

library(ggmap) # doesn't plot with SF so need to convert
map1 <- get_map(location=location,crop = F,

terrain_bg <-ggmap(map1)

# convert to GCS (WGS84)
df_locs_NFA <-df_locs_NFA %>% st_transform(crs = 4326)

# convert river network:
rivs_nfa <- st_read("data/nfa_rivers2.shp", quiet = T) %>% st_transform(crs=4326) %>% 
  as("Spatial") %>% fortify

# convert h8_nfa
h8_nfa.sp <- h8 %>% as("Spatial") %>% fortify

terrain_bg + 
  scale_color_viridis_d() +
  geom_path(data=rivs_nfa, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group), col="blue")+
  labs(x="Longitude (WGS84)", y="Latitude") +   theme_bw() +
  geom_polygon(data=h8_nfa.sp, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group), fill=NA, color="maroon", lwd=1.2, alpha=0.5) +
  geom_point(data=df_locs_NFA, aes(x=lon, y=lat), fill="yellow", pch=21, size=3) +
  coord_fixed(ratio=1.3) +
  ggtitle("CDEC Stations in the NF American Watershed, Snapped to NHD Flowline")


Thanks for making it to the end! If you are reading, sorry that was long, but hopefully it was interesting. There are lots of pieces that can be switched out, and you can imagine being able to snap survey sites, observations, etc. to a flowline network and calculating distances between these points. For some of my work, this is really useful for generating distance matrices that can be compared against population genomic data, when measuring metrics like FST (isolation).

All for now! Stay tuned for another post in a few weeks.